Vectors of Change? What is going on here?

How is our world being played? Do we have any influence at all, or are we just the participants on the chest board, controlled only by outer forces?


First, I feel the need to establish the playing field that I am referring to. I need to bring in my resources. I am referencing an article written by Randi Green on her website, called "The Matrix of Change". (Link to Websites below) I am coming at this article from a very simplified angle in that, as it is written, it will not be understandable to anyone who is not actively trying to understand the true nature of this reality or anyone who has not read more of her material.

But first, I want to refer to an earlier book of hers called Souls of Humanity, where she describes in detail the exact make-up of the holographic setup we live in. Many spiritual teachings have references to the holographic setup, sometimes referred to as the "harmonic universe." There are cross-references; just the terminology might be somewhat different. Towards the beginning of the book, there is a description of the "holographic metaverse", explaining that the holographic realities in our universe are built on the evolutionary advancements of the previous cycles (cycles of evolution of consciousness expressed according to the set principles in that particular cycle and setting). I am condensing a lot of material into a few sentences here, so bear with me. The original holographic metaverse is based on the expression of the principles in vibration and radiation on a unified field of energy. In this universal cycle, of which we are currently a part, we are to develop the principles mentioned above as consciousness. Again, this is way oversimplifying and interpreting, but to get back to it, units of consciousness and units of lightcoding exist on the background of energy, vibration, and radiation. The principles, rules, and laws of the progressive universe are to be found in the book "The HAL Philosophy" and in many places on her website.

So we could say, to add texture to this description, that holographic realities are lattice-like realities built on layer upon layer of grids that form the fabric onto which reality fields can latch and unfold. There is a lot more to be said about what these grids are and the dynamics of interplay between gridworks, networks, settings, fields, genetics, coding, energy, and more.

I hope I have sparked interest in the subject. It is a complete science of its own, fascinating and much more nuanced and complex than any other science we have here today. If science combined their understanding of quantum field sciences and quantum mechanics with this universal knowledge, we could really take off!

Let’s just keep this in the back of our minds.

Back to the question, "How are we interacting here on this field?" What is giving us the incentives to act the way we are acting?

We know that programs are written and then they play out. We have many examples of this, even just taking the example of television, series, movies, etc. But "reality programs" can also be written and fed into a reality matrix using a type of technology to make changes. The origins of these reality programs are not what we are discussing here; rather, we are discussing the influence of these programs, either individually or collectively. If you want to progress or influence a system in a positive or negative way, then one option is to code in (create a thought form) a specific idea (a program) and then allow a natural playing out of the program through the individuals' thoughts and interactions with each other. Meaning the "participants" will initiate the changes.

We are currently under the influence of a reality matrix. The matrix acts as an amplifier, creating a certain dynamic that gets put into motion and gains energetic momentum. The matrix is based on exponential change, meaning it starts as a simple one-to-one change but then grows, and the next change reflects the whole change (meaning it is doubled), so it’s a two-fold change, then a four-fold change, and then an eight-fold change, etc. All of the systems in the reality field are connected, and a wave of energy can build and accumulate so much so that eventually there is a tipping point, and after that there is a ripple effect that influences changes in all of the systems in the field (as in amplification vectors in physics, for example, with velocity, acceleration, and force being described with vectors). This is then seeded in as a change and makes it easier for the next wave of change to gain momentum. In science, they also refer to interference patterns that are constructive or destructive, either amplifying or distorting the wave.

A more concrete example or subject to use here to exemplify how this could be played out in an ‘interface’ in the reality we interact in would be the Black Lives Matter movement. The Black Lives Matter movement had its start technically with the name as a hashtag, as we all know, as an answer to the outrageous, racially motivated crimes committed against the African American community (starting with the teenager Trayvon Martin but encompassing so many more) but also for all racial crimes around the world. It was fueled by video imagery of more murders and then became the motivating source for riots and demonstrations throughout the globe. My point is not to discuss the movement at all but rather to give an example because when we talk metaphysically, it can get way out there and anyone can say whatever they want and no one can dispute it because there is nothing concrete. I am bringing to the discussion here something tangible and clear to something that is not. About BLM, a lot of uproar was expressed, but did that wave come to a positive outcome or did it peter out into an apathetic lethargy where nothing really got resolved? (And let's just skip the details and not even go there as to how such a system exists where that happens so blatantly and who really profited from that movement.) The ramifications of that are still in effect, but some things changed and others did not. The ripples went in different directions. The heart of the problem was not heard, and the landscape got scorched with no real change for the people, in my opinion. This could be interpreted as wave interference as a result. More interesting would be to know what were all the factors included into influencing this incident? Are these programs that we are reacting to an already field of fomenting division? Separatism, racial inequality, and segregation are all themes all around the globe, but they are more easily created in some parts than others.

What were the ripple effects on other layers of our reality field? How do such incidents, when manifested, combine with other existing events, as in war, and then combine with outer influences like weather (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc.) Or other areas of our current world like the economy, financial stability, energy scarcity, and all the outer influences on the already unstable inner influences. Do they converge on each other like cataclysmic tidal waves? And then, if we take the metaphysical view, what was the intended result? What faction was behind it, and what energetic influences did it have? And who really benefited from it?

We can ask these questions about every event, every disaster, whether it's from the climate, war, or economic influences, every historical event of the past, and future events to come. If you look at the historical uprisings of the 21st century or even minor uprisings, a lot of them have been influenced not only by the geopolitical natural dynamics that occur in societies but probably by other levels and forces as well. The political climate of polarity and extremism many find themselves having to deal with in America, an example being the overriding of the Supreme Court's decision on Roe v. Wade or the rapidly spreading reversion back to archaic laws as in Sharia Law in Afghanistan and many other middle eastern countries, or even the beginning of the Arab Spring.  Russia's brutal attempt at a territorial takeover as with the Ukraine War being the most current example. All have their historical backgrounds and can be explained through the lens of human history and the normal behaviours and reactions of human civilizations. But we can also take a leap forward in our understanding of the true nature of THIS reality and accept our own inconvenient truths and entertain the thought of infiltration by an unknown kind and conflicts of interests.

When we start to take responsibility for the playing field we are on (and understand that in many ways it's always been that) and we become more knowledgeable about the field itself and the effects of the events that are happening, even within just our daily lives, then we can influence events. There are a lot of people out there talking about ascension and changing your vibration, which in its essence is a good thing, but we have to understand the mechanics of this system, and just surfing on YouTube trying to get a quick answer is not going to do it.

This huge mental shift has to happen, where we stop the noise and say, "Okay, I am here, there is a lot of information out there, I can get a better understanding, and I can take part in the outcome. I can change my behavior, and I can inform myself. If more of us step onto that track, we will create our own vector of amplification. So let's use the tools to our advantage because we are more powerful than we realize. Clearly, we do have influence; otherwise, there is nothing to play with, right?

When we tap into the principles on which this progressive universe is based, then our actions are always an expression of advancement and not regression. And in doing so, we begin to act in ways that benefit the whole rather than just ourselves, for the greater good of the many. We create change in our world and in its future.


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