A space for change,

moving at all times forward,

putting together the pieces of who we once were...

A blog, a springboard, for new thoughts, outside of the box, motivational, and truth-seeking.

Everyone has their unique way—and maybe yet undiscovered ability—to contribute to the new evolution of being a human on this planet.

Let's fuel some new ideas and attempt to ride the waves of change. A quest to find the original echoes and imprints of an advanced human civilization on this planet and solar system and what the original ways and sciences were.

Respect  Honor


   Order  Balance  Harmony

The Vow  The Wisdom  The Word


What if.....

and building a bridge

Latest Articles

Who or What are  the vectors of Change?

    Quantum Fields and  Holographic

    Reality Fields

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Randi Green:

The Higher Order Psychic-Energetic Institute   https://randigreen.one/

The HAL Academy   https://toveje.dk/

The HAL Future Humanities by Randi Green  https://www.youtube.com/@thehalfuturehumanities

The Higher Awareness Lifestyle By Randi Green  https://www.youtube.com/@higherawarenesslifestyle

The HAL Academy By Randi Green  https://www.youtube.com/@thehalacademybyrandigreen

Books: https://books.apple.com/us/author/randi-green/id1068917259